
ikea3 ikea2 ikea1


Ikea is one of the most important and biggest Furniture Stores in the Planet, They are really organized, all the teams work together anticipating every season to give the Public the best when they need it.
Very detailed company and the released the best communication for the Hispanic Market. During the time I worked with them, My task was to transcreate, not just translate content. I gave the best of myself because I simply love the Company, Ikea to me is the best, It deserves the best from the people who work with them.

I did translate and transcreate it's web content with the rest of the team during almost two years. Was a beautiful experience.

Contact Luis Cuervo

Using the contact form to send him email at below

Let's Keep in touch

You can use the following information to contact me if you want to join me or anything need to communicate.

Name: Luis Cuervo
Phone: 954-297-5676